Assynt Medical Practice

6 Main Street, Lochinver, IV27 4JZ

Telephone: 01571 844755 (routine) 01571 844226 (power failure)

Sorry, we're currently closed. Between 6pm on Monday and 8am on Friday please call the surgery number and listen to the on-call message. Between 6pm on Friday and 8am on Monday please call NHS24 on 111

Complaints Procedure

If you have been unable to resolve a problem through informal discussion and wish to make a formal complaint, this should be done in writing addressed to the Practice Manager or one of the Doctors at the practice. If you have difficulty in writing down your complaint, please ask at reception and help can be given in doing this.

On receipt of a complaint we will write within 48 hours to confirm that the complaint has been received. We will then spend time where appropriate, reviewing the medical records and discussing the complaint with any involved staff. Following this investigation we will reply to you, and this reply should be within 10 days. It may be better on some occasions to respond to the complaint by telephone, arranging a meeting to discuss the complaint.

If the explanation or reply you receive is still felt to be unsatisfactory, we would encourage you to come back to the practice for further discussion. If however you feel the need to take the complaint further, an independent review can be organised by the Complaints Officer, NHS Highland, John Dewar Building, Highlander Way, Inverness, IV2 7GE. Tel 01463 706 800.